How to reach 10k steps a day for busy Moms


Struggling getting in your steps? Let’s fix that!

You're busy, sitting at your desk or home doing laundry and homeschooling and you just can’t figure out how to get your steps in for the day! You want to, you tell yourself you’re going to, and another day goes by and you barely get 4k steps again!

Girl I feel ya, I def was there also it was really hard for me to get my steps in, I sit most of the day programming for clients, writing content for my frands here on social, backend biz stuff. It was really hard for me to figure out how to get up and get my steps in!

So I have an apple watch and put it to a test to really see how long it takes me to walk a mile and then how many steps I was getting, and then I did some mild research on the google machine and figured out a 20 min mile with 2300 steps was about average.

So 2300 steps / 10k is 4.35 miles which takes about 90 mins soooo I put some examples together to help you reach your goals by taking some thinking out of it!

Obviously, this is not the only way and some of you may walk some at work and won’t need the whole 90 min of extra walking BUT this will be helpful nonetheless!

4x 22 min walks

3x 30 min walks

2x 45 min walks

9x10 min walks

I mean any of us can get up 9 x a day and walk for 10 min if we can’t walk for long periods of time!

My plan that has helped me is I get up early and walk about 3 miles so about an hour around 6900 steps and then usually ill have to walk 1 extra mile at night throughout the day ill get the rest in. I like early mornings by myself without the kids or hubby it’s my time to reset my mind, pray, talk to God or whatever I need to do listen to a book, podcast…

I wrote this today on Sunday so you can think about your week and really plan out your week and take action on you!

What is your favorite time to walk?


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