Lindsay's Heath & Fitness Blog

Beauty, Health, Mom

How to become a confident momma

How are you so confident…….

The shorts over your bathing suit, the cover up you just won’t take off, the shirt with the sleeves because your arms, the pants because well the shorts, the one piece or tank because your belly…. Your kids ask why you never swim or take off your cover up.

I can go on and on WE have ALL been there and you may still be in that position where you don't have the confidence to wear what you want to wear, do things you want to do.

I remember when Cover ups, t shirts, and pants all saved me from the pain of the low confidence I had. I was so worried that everyone was looking at me, what they thought of me, like look at her stomach, arms, but, legs, how gross. I would always behind closed doors pick apart my body. For years I missed out on so many memories because of being insecure with my outward appearance. My cellulite (which I still have by the way! Ripples in my legs and but its ok). Now I am not saying I always 100% have full...

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How to be successful in the gym

gym mom success weights Jul 11, 2021

You want to lift weights in the weight section but you’re scared


Wasting time in the gym? Just doing cardio instead…


Girl me too! I literally had no idea what machines to do and lifting with the barbell Um no thank you!


I would get intimidated by the weights and just go do cardio and leave. 


Believe me, You are not the only one that is intimidated by the weight section!


I was for a long time, I slowly worked up the courage and started to use random machines still didn’t have a plan but just did legs one day, arms one day and well that’s it, and did it again. 


I really wanted to squat with the barbell but I had no idea about form or what workouts to do with other workouts. 


UNTIL - I had a PLAN, no more wasting time trying to figure out what to do, and how much to do! I also really wanted to get strong and it’s just so empowering to lift heavy and be a strong mom!


Here are some tips...

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