Yo-yo Dieting vs. Periodization in your Nutrition

Yo-yo dieting vs Periodization

Yo-yo dieting is where you go on a fad diet like "keto, paleo, low carb, fasting, whole 30..." and you do great you lose weight, then you plateau and think well this isn't working for me and you go back to how you ate before, what happens then is you gain the weight back and get back up to or more weight than before you did the fad diet! Then back into that fad diet because well it worked for you then...

When will you stop tearing down your metabolism and get real control of your nutrition?

Nutritional Periodization is looking ahead and setting a long term plan for your nutrition; First, we will find out where you are now, then restructure your macronutrients and make sure you are eating enough protein and calories in total, next we will decide from your goals on how long we will be in a deficit, we will set periodized diet breaks which Is taking you up to your now predicted maintenance and kind of reset your metabolism and give you a break from dieting this helps physically, mentally, and physiologically reset you, this will last 1-2 weeks, then back in a deficit, this will happen until we reach your goal this is all specific to the person and some may take longer than others. Once we get to your goal will then reverse diet you up to your now predicted maintenance, once you are there we will hang out and let your body adapt to those new calories and maintain that new goal weight within a couple of lbs.

Percentages of people that relapse on a diet
Within one year 77%
Within two years 85%
Within three years 95%
1/3 to 2/3 put on more weight than they lost
Less than 5% are successful at keeping off weight.
The 5% that keep it off have good healthy habits, their nutrition or diet plan fits in their lifestyle, they take it slow and steady, and they learn how to reverse out of their diet rather than being on a diet for six weeks and going right back to “normal” eating.

This is why having a coach is crucial for your success, holding you accountable and periodizing your custom nutritional plan to help you reach your long term goals and actually stay there and not gain the weight back!

If you have any question please let me know!


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