Macros gone wrong

Macros gone wrong?

I did macros wrong I was a “macro dieter” instead of a “macro learner” a MD is someone who uses macros just to diet, doesn’t look at the clinical data and is emotional, someone who doesn’t learn from tracking An ML is someone who learns from their foods, understands how to fuel their body for their goals.

I tracked my macros, had no idea what I was doing I tried to DIY it, used some numbers from MFP which was brutal first of all like 1200 calories when I should have been eating like 2200 calories. I just fit in what I wanted, I never learned balanced meals, paying attention to energy throughout the day, getting my veggies in. I just played macro Tetris and that was overwhelming and to be quite honest I hated it. It seemed like such a chore. So I quit and gained my weight back because I never learned how to reverse out, build balanced plates, BBP’s what I call them “blessed body plates” I never learned from tracking which made it just a diet that I didn’t want to do. When I got someone that knew more than me to help me learn why tracking was helpful and it’s not a diet its a tool It SET ME FREE from the dieting cycle finally!

Why I am so passionate about tracking macros because I know how hard I tried to diet and stick to these healthy foods all the time, it just didn’t work with my lifestyle of travel ball and busy mom life. I had to find something that I could eat a cheeseburger, I could be flexible and eat out. I could have a beer and be ok with it!!!

Dieting is hard and it takes effort, BUT tracking macros MY WAY helps it be manageable for busy mom life and teaches you so you can not track forever and still keep your weight off.

Does this resonate with you, are you saying yes I need this I am tired of trying all the diets and getting nowhere? Then shoot me a message I have a handful of spots for a special project #First60 where I will be taking you through my 5M Method that I take my 1 on 1 clients through this is called first 60 because it is the place you have to start for long term success!

Email me now [email protected] let’s chat and see if you are the right woman for this special project.


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