Beauty, Health, Mom
Stop making your life so hard, fat loss is really not that hard!
I get so tired of people talking about all these diets and then months later you see them gain their weight back because THEY CAN'T LIVE LIFE eating that way!
Why do we do this to ourselves year after year? I say we because I did the same thing year after year until I educated myself on how actually fat loss occurs. Now I teach it in my #Macrosmanaged group coaching program opening Jan 31st Knowledge is power.
Aren't you tired of trying everything and nothing working? or nothing sticking long term?
This is exactly why I built Macros Managed to help women manage their own nutrition and understand their body so they can actually get results, understand why, and keep those results long term instead of doing the crazy diets that SUCK and have short term success with quick return!
If you are tired of the bull crap diets and year after year just trying all the things Then join me get on the waitlist...
We make it so hard right, looking for the next program, app, diet, what’s popular, what suzie down the street is doing…
When the same ole basics are the science behind fat loss and muscle gain. Its just not sexy to do the basics like hey Lindsay what did you do to lose 30 lbs “oh I walked, lifted, ate in a calorie deficit, slept, drank water…”
Instead you say I killed myself in OT and did keto… then months later you gained your weight back and trying some other sexy little diet again.
You lose weight because you ate less than before no matter what diet you do keto, loom, low carb, low fat, paleo… YOU LOSE WEIGHT BECAUSE YOU ARE IN A CALORIE DEFICIT those are the laws of thermodynamics [science] not because carbs are bad or fats are bad BECAUSE YOU ATE LESS. But you can’t sustain that sexy diet so you resort back to eating the old ways which was more food… IE you can weight back eating in a calorie surplus
The basics work-...
Macros gone wrong?
I did macros wrong I was a “macro dieter” instead of a “macro learner” a MD is someone who uses macros just to diet, doesn’t look at the clinical data and is emotional, someone who doesn’t learn from tracking An ML is someone who learns from their foods, understands how to fuel their body for their goals.
I tracked my macros, had no idea what I was doing I tried to DIY it, used some numbers from MFP which was brutal first of all like 1200 calories when I should have been eating like 2200 calories. I just fit in what I wanted, I never learned balanced meals, paying attention to energy throughout the day, getting my veggies in. I just played macro Tetris and that was overwhelming and to be quite honest I hated it. It seemed like such a chore. So I quit and gained my weight back because I never learned how to reverse out, build balanced plates, BBP’s what I call them “blessed body plates” I never learned from...
Are you Deloading? What even is a deload?
A DELOAD is where you reduce sets, reps, load, intensity for a week… In your program every 4-6 weeks. So if your training in progressive overload getting stronger and better at your lifts, you do need a break to prevent injury, to let your muscles, body, & cns repair. It is also a great transition into your new training block.
I know You're are a little nervous, you have made progress, you don’t want to lose it. Studies have shown us that 1 week of even no exercise for someone that has been training will not result in muscle loss. Deloads are not quitting, you are still going to the gym and still moving your body but in a less intense way to help you actually make more progress in the future.
Let's talk about what happens when we strength train
-we lift heavy in smart program like #bodystrong365
-we make tiny microtears in our muscle tissue
-when we rest the muscle tissues have time to repair...
Tracking Macros is a great tool to learn what foods are, become aware of how much you're actually eating, how to balance meals, reach weight loss goals, prime your metabolism.
It likely will be hard at 1st but with a growth mindset, you understand you can get better with knowledge and effort and this will help you reach goals you have never reached before and actually keep that weight off instead of losing and gaining that same 20lbs year after year.
I teach macro tracking to my clients. For everyone it may look different the most accurate you can be will yield the best results BUT you don't have to start there you can start slow learning and grow into tracking all 3 macros. Use my slides to guide you to success!
download MFP
just track your food your eating get comfy doing that
Assess where you are now
figure maintenance cals 10x BW x 1.2-1.6 activity factor
how far was your initial tracking from maintenance cals?
under go here → increase 50-100cals every 2-4 weeks
I know you’re a busy Momma, you forget to eat, you think oh well maybe this will help me lose weight…
Um NO SIS what it is doing are these 5 things to your body.
1 DOWN-REGULATING YOUR METABOLISM- When you constantly under eat or forget to eat, your metabolism will slow down or downregulate and make your very little food your maintenance calorie, ie why you’re barely eating and not losing weight.
2 DECREASE IN ENERGY-I don’t know about you but I am a busy mom and I do not have time to be tired, sluggish, and fatigued all day long! Less food = Less energy, food is more than fuel but think of it this way, what happens to your car when you don’t fill up the gas tank… it stops going, or when your kid’s toys the batteries are running low and you don’t charge it, it slows down and stops working. Well, same with your body you don’t feed it multiple times a day it slows down and can not run to its potential.
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