Lindsay's Heath & Fitness Blog

Beauty, Health, Mom

How to deal with the Busy mom life

Life as a busy mom can be highly overwhelming sometimes, and it's OK TO FEEL THAT WAY.

It's okay to feel like you are running in circles, it's okay to not get it all done.


Something lately I have been focusing on is doing what makes me feel good, not everything is hit perfect every day right now for me, and that's ok, I don't shame myself anymore, I don't feel bad. It is what it is.


I take my #6ToFixHH and do what I can each day and try not to miss the same habit 2x in a row. 


This is life right we are never going to be less stressed, less busy, less crazy THIS IS LIFE we have to accept that and do what we can instead of doing nothing and waiting for a perfect time. 


Find the love for yourself to do something each day that makes you feel your best momma.


I hope this is helpful, my life has been so busy with softball every day and my business and babysitting my grandson that I literally feel like I am drowning and I just wanted to let you...

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For the struggling momma

mom mom life momma Feb 17, 2022

I struggle too…

I have days that I feel not good enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough, not strong enough, not making enough money.

LS FITNESS AND BEAUTY, LLC was born 4/26/2017, I have been full time coaching for 3 years, prior to that I was an area parts office manager for 13 locations for an oil field company for 15 years, during this time I started coaching about 2015 while I was still working at the oil field office.

I made so much money at that company, I was high up, why the hell did I leave?

My passion is to serve others within the health and fitness industry, Gods vision for me wasn’t making bank in the oil field.

I am putting in hours, posting, messaging women who have questions, not really getting that many paid clients at the time, stress from bills, oh hey and the whole having 7 kids thing L O L…

Sometimes I take an hour or 2 to write a post and crickets... Or I do a live-in my amazing momstrong356 FB group and out of 600 maybe 40 watch it, day...

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Kids and beer

2 things you probably don't know about me…

I never wanted any kids and I love the taste of beer

Haha super random but I have 7 kids + a grandson and never wanted any! I had a son at 17. Then I met my current husband 4 years later. He had 5 kids and they truly needed a mom to give them stability and life they could never have had otherwise, I was that mom. Oh and he was that dad because my sperm donor skipped out. I knew God had a plan that def was not my plan. Then we decided we needed to have one together lol cause 6 wasn’t enough!

Being a stepmom is F’n hard you do all the things like literally I raised them ALL never missed a ball game, never missed a dance competition, filled out all their enrollment forms and if you're a mom you know that shit took forever for 7 kids, ps they all lived with us (they still do but 1) I took on the duties of the MOM from day 1, but somehow still felt like a stepmom, if you know, you know it's hard to explain the feeling of hurt...

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I know you’re a busy Momma, you forget to eat, you think oh well maybe this will help me lose weight…


Um NO SIS what it is doing are these 5 things to your body.


1 DOWN-REGULATING YOUR METABOLISM- When you constantly under eat or forget to eat, your metabolism will slow down or downregulate and make your very little food your maintenance calorie, ie why you’re barely eating and not losing weight. 


2 DECREASE IN ENERGY-I don’t know about you but I am a busy mom and I do not have time to be tired, sluggish, and fatigued all day long! Less food = Less energy, food is more than fuel but think of it this way, what happens to your car when you don’t fill up the gas tank… it stops going, or when your kid’s toys the batteries are running low and you don’t charge it, it slows down and stops working. Well, same with your body you don’t feed it multiple times a day it slows down and can not run to its potential.

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