Lindsay's Heath & Fitness Blog

Beauty, Health, Mom

Blood sugar Regulation

Ever feel brain fog, frustration, exhaustion throughout the day?

Depending on the foods your eating and the timing of those meals could be impacting your blood sugar!

Let's get sciency for a min! When we eat food it digests at a rate of speed and the glucose from the food is available for energy, depending on what foods you eat will depend on how high your blood sugar levels spike along with your insulin. 


Why does this matter, well sis it matters because if we are constantly spiking blood sugar high causing insulin to come to the rescue and open the cell doors for that glucose to get in. We can eventually become insulin resistant- our body doesn't notice the insulin (key) trying to open the cell doors it just keeps pumping and the blood sugars stay high in the bloodstream, so we aren't utilizing the foods we eat optimally for fuel! This overtime can cause type 2 diabetes and obesity if it's not controlled. 


How do we know what foods are fast...

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5 ways to Eat More Food and have more energy

calories energy food macros Feb 18, 2021

5 Ways to Eat More Food


Get up earlier - by getting up earlier you can eat before the kids get up, you are not rushed and can actually tell if you’re hungry and what those hunger cues feel like. 


Move your body 1st thing in the morning- More movement, more energy output, will make you hungrier, hunger is like your gas light in your car when it comes on you need to refuel and same with hunger, you move more, you need more fuel just like your car!! So getting up earlier, going for a 20-40 min walk, eating breakfast, maybe even getting ready all before the kids wake up!!! 


Set an alarm at least every 4-5 hours - There are days where you may not feel hungry but you need to eat to fuel your body and mind. Setting an alarm will help with the “oh I forgot to eat” or “I haven’t been hungry all day” You may have been eating so little that your metabolism has down-regulated and you truly are not hungry this will help...

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