Lindsay's Heath & Fitness Blog

Beauty, Health, Mom

Starting 2022 with Purpose

Ending your year with purpose is so important if you haven't read that blog do that here because that blog was an important read also. But starting the new year with purpose I feel is so important. 


First I CHALLENGE YOU, to go look in the mirror right now…

I’ll wait.. Are You there?

What do you see, be kind first off

What do you want to see?

Let’s get clinical - what you see now is a direct reflection of your choices, thoughts and habits in the past.

BUT Good thing is we can change it right now!

Do you believe that? Or do you believe you are just this way, you can’t change. 

Because what you believe is true...

Do you want to change, I mean you want the outcome of the change but do you want to put in the work to change? My coaching def helps make it easier to stick to but it’s still not easy and it takes you believing you can change.

Maybe you find yourself wanting to change but after a couple weeks you feel “this is too...

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Do You Believe you can change your healthy habits?


Get a pen and paper because we are about to do some Mindset homework! Take a moment write it down 1-10 1 Not so much 10 you for sure believe you can change!


You can change, it starts with your mindset around change!


Let's dive in


What are your GOALS be specific not just lose weight be healthy and what behaviors are you wanting to change -write this down


WHY do you want to reach these goals, what will it change or provide for you in your life, what would happen if you didn't reach these goals? -write it down


How can you make SMALL daily goals? (this will really help by making it easier to get small wins, therefore, keep you going) Instead of only eating clean foods, not sticking to that feeling like a failure, and saying I am not meant for this, why can’t I change. → I will eat 1 whole nutrient-dense meal a day. Small reachable wins!


Notice what actions you have been not doing. What are the TRIGGERS that get in the way? Notice your...

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#EvolveU 5 day Mindset challenge for MOMS

I talk to women every day who tell me they want to change but, there are so many things to focus on they have no idea where to start, or what to do first.


I felt Obligated to create m FREE 5 day #EvolveU challenge 


This is the ultimate solution to know where to start in your health journey and to focus on 1 thing for 5 days that will push you closer to the woman you want to Evolve into. 


What most women miss is they think a fad diet like taking all their carbs out is where you need to start and that just isn’t true!


Other challenges/courses want you to eat a meal plan that’s not even made specifically for you, and to do tons of cardio without teaching you anything about your nutrition, mindset, and habits!


But we know it doesn’t work that way, It’s so much deeper than no carbs and tons of cardio to make a lasting change in your health journey!


I am super excited to announce My FREE 5 day  #EvolveU...

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